In July 2023, we created an Art Exhibition of Rubbish Art in an empty shop unit in our town which was open to the public. Willow Phoenix worked with us for 2 days, creating willow and rubbish fish. This work was supported by the BFER. We exhibited paintings and sculptures of rubbish pulled from the river by the Thetford River Group. We were also honored to display sculptures created by Sean Ready, a founding member of the Thetford River Group.
Our Dance Club created a dance with Miss Burnap to accompany the PLASTIC song from
To celebrate Autism Awareness week, every one at Drake learned the song 'Let Me Shine'. Let Me Shine was originally released by Prior's Court to celebrate World Autism Awareness Week 2017. Their song has a message calling for acceptance and understanding across the spectrum.
Year 6 Kahlo playing 'La Fiesta' on the clarinet for the first time
In 2022, every pupil at Drake created a self portrait inspired by the work of Angélica Dass. These were displayed as an Art Trail for our 2022 'Diversity through the Arts' Summer Festival. This project was part of our wider work on Diversity and anti-racism and we found it to be a really powerful way to scaffold important conversations about skin colour and identity. The next step in our project is to create a town-wide trail of Humanae inspired self-portraits to celebrate the rich diversity of Thetford.
The boys reveal the next instalment of their spooky saga, along with a musical response on the guitar.
Victoria and Isabella interview Tommy from Rocksteady. Producer: Tony
"Chris Parsons is a community musician, conductor, trumpeter and teacher based in the UK. He read Music at the University of York before completing a Masters in Historical Performance Practice at the Royal College of Music in 2014. In September 2022 he won the ‘Best Music Director’ Award 2022 from Making Music for his work in Community Music (specifically with the Bury Friendly Orchestra) and Ely Hero Award 2022 for his work with Ely Arts Festival." -
Produced by Emily (Year 6) Royalty-free music from Purple Planet
Many thanks to Alisdair and The Rivers Trust (!
Rashford have been learning all about the Great Artist Mondrian. For World Book Day they made a pop up book full of pictures inspired by Mondrian's paintings.
Welcome to Thetford by Year 1. We have been exploring our local area; learning about physical and human features in Geography and being introduced to all the fantastic historical people who made Thetford their home.
Our first Thetford Children's Lantern Parade held to celebrate the switching on of the town's Christmas lights. With special thanks to the Brecks Fen Edge and River Landscape Partnership Scheme (BFER), Thetford Town Council, Willow Phoenix, Lindsay Carruthers and Dave Mitchell.
With special thanks to the Breks Fen Edge and River Landscape Parnership Scheme (BFER), Thetford Town Council, Willow Phoenix, Lindsay Carruthers and Dave Mitchell.
The videos show children across the school, selecting a calculation to complete, talking about and explaining the strategies used to find the answer.
This is Drake was written by Year 5 for our Summer Arts Festival 2021. They wrote the poem with our Arts Lead Mrs Booth to accompany a digitial soundscape of the school that they created with our Musician in Residence, Mr Taylor.
Earhart have been exploring tongue twisters, nursery rhymes and nonsense poetry. The children read a few nonsense poems by Spike Milligan and then, as a class, voted for their favourite one. They rehearsed the poem in groups and then as a whole class. Watch the video to hear the poem 'Today I saw a little worm.'
Year 2 have been exploring tongue twisters, nursery rhymes and nonsense poetry. The children have read a few nonsense poems by Spike Milligan, watch the video to hear the poem 'On the Ning Nang Nong.'
Eco Council wrote an Eco Code to promote environmental awareness in our school.
Eco Council have come up with some ideas to raise awareness of and reduce food waste in our school.
Eco Council watched some videos from COP26. We have been researching ways to tackle climate change. If everyone promises to make one change for the planet, it adds up to a huge difference.
This term, Eco Council have been working to increase biodiversity in and around our school environment.